Users with Account Administrator role can enable eKare Telehealth licenses for other account users. Once enabled, that user is able to schedule and manage Telehealth meetings.
All system users are able to join and attend scheduled meetings, regardless of number of licenses.
To enable eKare Telehealth license via eKare inSight:
- As Account Administrator, login to the eKare portal via web browser, then navigate to the user to be issued a eKare Telehealth license and select the ‘Action’ tab.
- Select ‘Enable Telehealth’ from the ‘Action’ tab dropdown menu. The user will be notified of the number of remaining licenses and prompted to confirm. Select ‘Yes’ to confirm.
- Users who have been issued telehealth licenses can be identified by the presence of the eKare Telehealth icon along the left side of the ‘User Management’ list.
- To disable a user’s eKare Telehealth license login to the eKare portal via a web browser as an Account Administrator, navigate to the user, select the ‘Action’ tab, then select ‘Disable Telehealth’. The user will be notified of them number of remaining licenses and prompted to confirm. Select ‘Yes’ to confirm.
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